Partner with HAH/HHERF as a Sponsor!

Building Trust Workshop



Our conferences are meticulously designed to bring unparalleled value to our post-acute care providers. We understand the dynamic challenges faced by healthcare professionals in these sectors, and our events are crafted to address these challenges head-on, fostering a community of learning, collaboration, and innovation.


Why Sponsor?

  • Engage with healthcare professionals  and industry leaders.

  • Showcase your brand to a targeted audience of healthcare staff and decision-makers.

  • Align your company with education, innovation, and professional development in the healthcare sector.

  • Network, collaborate, and build lasting partnerships with industry stakeholders.

Sponsorship Benefits

Register to be a Sponsor

Complete a conference sponsorship form and submit to Gina Gibo.

Building Trust Workshop Sponsorship Application

Sponsorship Disclosures

Contact Information

Need more information? Contact:

Gina Gibo, Manager, Accounting & Member Services

Phone: (808)521-8961
