The Healthcare Association of Hawaii (HAH) is a non-profit organization representing Hawai`i’s healthcare providers.
Through our representation and advocacy efforts, HAH ensures that members’ perspectives and needs are heard and addressed in local and national health policy development, and legislative and regulatory debates. Our advocacy efforts include the legislative and executive branches.
HAH provides its members with the opportunity to meet and discuss issues of mutual interest, and to seek solutions that improve the individual and collective health of the people of Hawaii. We do this by providing a forum for our members to come together in their mutual desire to provide quality and cost-effective healthcare. HAH provides the leadership necessary to assist our members in planning strategically in order to shape the healthcare industry for years to come. HAH also effectively communicates with its members and with the community at large on issues concerning access to affordable quality healthcare.
HAH Members
The Healthcare Association of Hawaii has more than 170 organizational members throughout the continuum of care.
Our Membership:
Acute care hospitals
Medicare-certified home health agencies
Skilled nursing facilities
Assisted living facilities
Type II Expanded ARCH providers
Durable medical equipment suppliers and home infusion/pharmacies
Other healthcare organizations throughout the continuum including case management, air and ground ambulance, blood bank and respiratory therapy.
Regular Members
ACUTE CARE FACILITIES*critical access hospitals (CAHs)
Adventist Health Castle
*Hale Ho’ola Hamakua
Hilo Benioff Medical Center
*Kahuku Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente – Moanalua Medical Center
Kap`iolani Medical Center for Women & Children
*Ka`u Hospital
*Kaua`i Veterans Memorial Hospital
*Kohala Hospital
Kona Community Hospital
Kuakini Medical Center
*Kula Hospital
*Lana`i Community Hospital
Leahi Hospital
Maui Memorial Medical Center
*Moloka`i General Hospital
Pali Momi Medical Center
Queen’s North Hawaii Community Hospital
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific
*Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital
Shriners Children’s Hawai`i
Straub Benioff Medical Center
The Queen’s Medical Center
The Queen’s Medical Center – Wahiawā
The Queen’s Medical Center – West O`ahu
Wilcox Medical Center
Hawai`i State Hospital
The Queen’s Medical Center - Kahi Mohala
Tripler Army Medical Center
Veterans Affairs Pacific Islands Health Care
Adventist Health Castle Home Care
Bayada Home Health Care
CareResource Hawaii
Home Health Hale Makua
Home Health Honolulu
Home Health Kaua`i
Kaiser Home Health Agency
Kohala Home Health Care
Bristol Hospice, Hawaii LLC
Hospice Maui, Inc.
Hawai`i Care Choices formerly Hospice of Hilo
Hospice of Kona
Islands Hospice
Kaua`i Hospice
Malama Ola Health Services
Navian Hawaii
North Hawaii Hospice, Inc.
St. Francis Hospice
Aloha Nursing Rehab Centre
Ann Pearl Nursing Home
Avalon Care Center – Honolulu LLC
Care Center of Honolulu
Clarence T.C. Ching The Villas at St. Francis
Garden Isle Rehabilitation & Nursing Center
Hale Anuenue Restorative Care Center
Hale Ho Aloha
*Hale Ho`ola Hamakua
Hale Kupuna Heritage Home
Hale Makua – Kahului
Hale Makua – Wailuku
Hale Malamalama
Hale Nani Rehabilitation & Care Center
Hale Ola Kino
*Hilo Benioff Medical Center
Islands Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation
Ka Punawai Ola
Kaua`i Care Center
*Kaua`i Veterans Memorial Hospital
*Ka`u Hospital
*Kuakini Medical Center
*Kula Hospital
Kūlana Mālama
*Lana`i Community Hospital
*Leahi Hospital
Legacy Hilo Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Life Care Center of Hilo
Life Care Center of Kona
Liliha Healthcare Center
Manoa Cottage – Kaimuki
Maunalani Nursing and Rehab Center
Nuuanu Hale
Oahu Care Facility
Palolo Chinese Home
Pearl City Nursing Home
Pu’uwai ‘O Makaha
Pohai Nani - Good Samaritan Society
*Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital
VA Center for Aging
Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home
`Ilima at Leihano
*15 Craigside
*Hi`olani Care Center at Kāhala Nui
*Kalākaua Gardens
One Kalakaua
*Pohai Nani – Good Samaritan Society
Regency at Hualalai – Big Island
Regency at Puakea – Kauai
The Ivy at Hawaii Kai
The Plaza at Kaneohe
The Plaza at Mililani
The Plaza at Moanalua
The Plaza at Pearl City
The Plaza at Punchbowl
The Plaza at Waikiki
Caring Manoa, LLC
Hale Ku`ike
Hale Ku`ike Bayside, LLC
Hale Ku`ike Pali, LLC
Hale O Meleana
Kuakini Home
Living Manoa Gardens
Lunalilo Home
Wilson Senior Living
Premium Affiliate Members
Affiliate Members
Premium Associate Members
Accordion Healthcare Consulting LLC
Forvis Mazars
Hopforce, Inc.
Mountain Pacific
Schweitzer Consulting
SH Consulting LLC
Thrive for Life, LLC
TotalMed Hawaii
Associate Members
Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
Aloha Wound Care Group
Blood Bank of Hawaii
Cardinal Health
Clinical Labs of Hawaii
CW Associates, CPAs
Dentons USA LLP
Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc.
Ernst & Young LLP
Financial Benefits Insurance
First Onsite
Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel LLP
Hansen Hunter & Co. P.C.
Hawaii Central Federal Credit Union
Hawaii Dental Service
Hawaii Senior Care
Hawai`i State Center for Nursing
Ke Ola `Uhane
Kōkua Mau, A Movement to Improve Care
Legacy of Life Hawaii
Monarch Insurance Services, Inc.
Mountain-Pacific Quality Health Foundation
Na Kahu Malama Nurses
SilverSage Management Services
Trane – Comprehensive Solutions
Personal Members
Leimomi Golis
Ed Howard
Amanda Shea Kryger
Marilyn Matsunaga
Barbara Ornellas
Amy Wiech
Emeritus Members
Fred Horwitz
Herb Yim

Join HAH
Membership is available in five categories to organizations and individuals who are in accord with the mission of the Healthcare Association of Hawaii.
Apply to Become a Member
Submit your application by:
Mail 707 Richards Street, PH2, Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Membership applications must be approved by the Board or Executive Committee. Dues are pro-rated by quarter if the individual becomes a member after the first quarter of the fiscal year, which begins July 1.
For questions about membership, please call 521-8961.
Member Types and Benefits
Regular Membership
Available to acute and long-term care inpatient healthcare facilities, systems, assisted living facilities, Type II care homes, home health, hospice providers. Such entities must be licensed and/or operated in conformity with the licensure laws of the State of Hawai`i, Medicare certified or accredited by the Joint Commission or Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP). This category of membership receives full voting privileges. Membership dues are based on the facility’s prior year’s operating expenses. Membership to healthcare systems, institutions, persons, and organizations located outside of the State of Hawai`i may be granted dependent upon the particular circumstances of the applicants. Each application will be considered on its own merits and acceptance for membership shall not be construed as a precedent. In the event of institutional membership outside of the State of Hawai`i, the provision that the facility be licensed and operating in conformity to the laws of the State of Hawai`i shall not apply. However, such facilities must be licensed and operated in conformity with their local licensure laws.
Regular Membership provides the opportunity to:
Serve on the Board of Directors, which provides leadership for the Association.
Participate in the Association’s representation and advocacy mission—developing, monitoring, supporting or opposing health-related legislation and rules and regulations.
Be informed on the status of the industry through executive summaries of key legal, reimbursement and administrative rules and regulations.
Exercise full voting privileges.
Other member benefits:
Access to free or reduced-price education
Participate in the HAH Annual Membership Meeting
Network with industry leaders and management
Receive HAH communications, including the weekly “HAH Update”
Receive complimentary copies of HAH and national affiliate publications, studies, and survey results
Online listing in HAH Membership List, with web site link
Contact listing in HAH Membership Directory shared with all HAH membership
Ability to post job openings on HAH web site
Affiliate Membership
Available to outpatient or other health-related providers of alternative, community-based services such as medical clinics, Type I care homes, case management and referral services, and academic institutions with an interest in healthcare. This category of membership does not receive voting privileges.
Affiliate Member Benefits:
Access to free or reduced-price education
Participate in the HAH Annual Membership Meeting
Network with industry leaders and management
Receive HAH communications, including the weekly “HAH Update”
Receive complimentary copies of HAH and national affiliate publications, studies, and survey results
Online listing in HAH Membership List, with web site link
Contact listing in HAH Membership Directory shared with all HAH membership
Ability to post job openings on HAH web site
Associate Membership
Available to firms or organizations that provide goods and services to the healthcare industry. This category of membership does not receive voting privileges.
Associate Member Benefits:
Access to free or reduced-price education
Participate in the HAH Annual Membership Meeting
Network with industry leaders and management
Receive HAH communications, including the weekly “HAH Update”
Receive complimentary copies of HAH and national affiliate publications, studies, and survey results
Online listing in HAH Membership List, with web site link
Contact listing in HAH Membership Directory shared with all HAH membership
Ability to post job openings on HAH web site
Personal Membership
Available to individuals, active or retired, in allied health fields and organizations not eligible for membership in the HAH. This category of membership does not receive voting privileges.
Personal Member Benefits:
Access to free or reduced-price education
Participate in the HAH Annual Membership Meeting
Network with industry leaders and management
Receive HAH communications, including the weekly “HAH Update”
Receive complimentary copies of HAH and national affiliate publications, studies, and survey results
Online listing in HAH Membership List
Emeritus Membership
Is granted by the Board of Directors to individuals who were employed in the health care field for ten years or more by organizations that are members of HAH. They must not be actively employed at the time of the request. In selecting emeritus members, primary considerations shall be given to the following factors:
Welfare of patients;
Improvements in administrative methods and practices;
Contributions to local, state, or national organizations in the healthcare field;
Furtherance of good public relations;
Assistance to and collaboration with other healthcare institutions;
Promotion of legislation relating to better patient care;
Advancement of the field of healthcare administration.
This category of membership does not receive voting privileges.
Membership Value
Stand together with your peers from across the healthcare continuum. Together, we have a strong voice. Creating sustainable solutions for the future of healthcare. It’s about improving the quality of care for everyone.
The global community has not had an event like the COVID-19 pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918, and we know there are many more months of uncertainty and difficulty ahead. During these challenging times, we at HAH are honored to work with you to ensure that the people of Hawaii have the care they need.
You have invested incredible time, resources, and talent in responding to this crisis. We thank you for your efforts, your support of and collaboration with the Association and other members, and the sacrifices you and your teams have made and continue to make.
On your behalf, we have scrambled for personal protective equipment (PPE), lobbied for waivers, advocated at the state and federal level on many issues, tracked critical statistics and generated numerous reports, briefed key state and federal legislators, the Governor and his office, and the Lieutenant Governor and his office, worked extensively with local and national press, created COVID-19 training courses and materials, pivoted our workforce initiatives to address the workforce challenges resulting from the pandemic, and worked to bring you the information and resources you need each day and each week. We will continue to support you during this pandemic, and after it subsides.
2022-2023 Member Value Report
2021-2022 Member Value Report
2020-2021 Member Value Report
2019-2020 Member Value Report
2018-2019 Member Value Report
2017-2018 Member Value Report
HAH Membership Committees
Be a part of collaborations across the continuum of care throughout Hawaii. Meet your peers across the healthcare industry.
Acute Care Chief Financial Officer Committee (hospital CFOs)
Acute Care Leadership (hospital executives)
Acute Care Quality Committee
Advocacy Committee
Assisted Living Facility/Adult Residential Care Home Committee (ALF and ARCH executives)
Awards and Scholarship Gala Committee
Board of Directors and Executive Committee
Community Health Needs Assessment Advisory Group
Education Workgroup
Finance Committee
Hawaii Affinity Team
Home Health Leadership (home health, home infusion/pharmacy executives)
Hospice Leadership (hospice executives)
Laulima Board
Long-Term Care Leadership (skilled nursing facility executives)
Membership Committee
Political Action Committee
Post Acute Care Quality Committee
Public Information Officer Working Group
HAH Initiatives
Hawaii Healthcare Workforce Initiative
Medically Complex Patients Workgroup
MH1 Patient Transport
Safe Discharge Standards for Homeless Patients
Timely Payments
HAH Representing Its Members
HAH represents the interests of its provider members in numerous stakeholder, policy and planning groups.
Academic Progression in Nursing Employer and Conjoint Councils
American Organization of Nurse Leaders (AONL) Hawaii
Antipsychotic and Dementia Coalition
Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) Hawaii Chapter
Farrington High School Health Academy Advisory Board
Hawaii Department of Health Antimicrobial Stewardship Collaborative
Hawaii Department of Health Healthcare-Associated Infections Advisory and Steering Committees
Hawaii Maternal and Infant Health Collaborative
Hawaii Medical Education Council (HIMEC)
Hawaii Maternal Mortality Review Committee
Hawaii Opioid Initiative
Hawaii Performance Improvement Collaborative, State Office of Primary and Rural Health
Hawaii Stroke Coalition
Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)
Honolulu Community Coalition
Kauai Community Partners
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)
State of Hawaii Division Network Adequacy and Balance Billing Task Force
State of Hawaii Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant Advisory Committee
University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) Advisory Council of Hospital CEOs
AA Homecare
State Leaders Council
American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL)
Affiliate Policy Task Force
Affiliate State Health Care Association Executives
Credentialing Committee
Society of Long Term Care Communicators
State Affiliate Network
State Assisted Living Staff
American Hospital Association (AHA)
Allied Association Quality Committee
Allied Association Telehealth Group
Allied Public Relations Executives
Regional Policy Board 9
State Hospital Association Executive Forum
Council of State Home Care Associations
National Association for Healthcare Quality
National Association of Home Care and Hospice (NAHC)
Forum of State Associations
Nominating Committee
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)