AHCA/NCAL Bronze Quality Award Virtual Workshop
Workshop includes 2 virtual sessions
November 6 & 13, 2024 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am HST
HAH has partnered with the Healthcare Association of Michigan (HCAM) and other state affiliates to present this workshop series to help you better understand the Bronze Award application criteria, scoring, and strategies for a successful 2025 application submission.
If your organization has thought about participating in the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award program, this is your opportunity to complete the Bronze Award application from beginning to end with coaching support along the way from our expert facilitator.
This workshop is about more than an award; besides gaining a better understanding of what examiners are looking for and how to use the award criteria as an improvement tool, you will learn how to use the award process to focus, align, and accelerate your performance excellence efforts – becoming a high-performing organization.
The Bronze Award – Commitment to Quality is the first level in your performance excellence journey. The goal of this award is to provide applicants with the tools and resources they need to achieve performance improvement.
This workshop series includes optional coaching support during the duration of the series via office hours from our expert trainer, Cathy Bergland.
Learning Objectives
Understand the AHCA/NCAL Bronze Quality Award process.
Gain an understanding of the value of participating in the Quality Award process.
Go “behind the scenes” of the assessment process and why this is important – beyond an award application.
Understand the technical requirements and policies of the Bronze Quality Award process.
Understand how quality improvement activities build a culture of continuous improvement and high-performance work teams.
Write the draft of your organization’s Bronze Quality Award application.
Suggested Participants
Suggested participants for this workshop are administrators or executive directors and directors of nursing, along with other leadership team members – including owners. A team approach is the most effective method to develop your application in a manner that makes it your “management document” and not just an award application.
Providers who are or will be members in good standing with AHCA or NCAL at the time of application are eligible to apply. Those who are members in good standing at the time of award notification are eligible to receive the award and the associated feedback report.
Skilled nursing facilities, assisted living communities, campus settings.
Campus settings with multiple levels of services may elect to apply for the entire campus as one or may elect to apply independently for each level of service.
Skilled nursing facilities must have completed at least one Medicare/Medicaid survey.
Skilled nursing facilities that have been cited for a regulatory deficiency at the Immediate Jeopardy level or Substandard of Care level in any survey during the past three calendar years.
Cathy Bergland, MBA, LNHA
Owner & Primary Consultant, CB Leadership Group
Cathy Bergland has served at Presbyterian Homes & Services (based in Minnesota) since 1986 in various roles, most recently in the area of Leadership Development. She is also with CB Leadership Group, a consulting and training organization focusing on leadership development, intercultural competence, and performance excellence. Cathy received her undergraduate degree in Music Therapy from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, her MBA from the University of St. Thomas, and is also a licensed Nursing Home Administrator. She has filled adjunct faculty positions with the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Health Care Administration) and Bethel University (MBA Program). She is a Qualified Administrator (QA) for the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). She also has 15 years of experience with the Baldrige Performance Excellence Criteria.
Cathy currently sits on the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Board and also serves the program in roles of Judge, Trainer, and Independent Examiner.
Virtual Event
This workshop will be held virtually on Zoom on the following dates:
Part 1: November 6
Part 2: November 13
Participation in all sessions is required. Sessions will be held from 9:00-11:00 am HST. Participants will be required to participate on video and audio.
Additionally, optional office hours will be available on Zoom at the following times:
November 15: 9:00 - 10:30 am HST
December 13: 9:00 - 10:30 am HST
Important Information
Registration is limited to AHCA/NCAL members
Registration is non-refundable; however substitutions are allowed up to 48 hours before the program
Registration for a facility includes up to 3 participants.
Participation in this workshop does NOT guarantee award/renewal receipt by AHCA/NCAL
Registration Fee
This workshop is open to AHCA/NCAL members only. The registration fee includes access to the live virtual workshop on November 6 & 13, 2024, from 9:00-11:00 am HST, and any corresponding handouts/materials. The workshop will be recorded and made available to registrants.
Registration fee: $99 (includes up to 3 registrants per facility)
Registration is non-refundable; however substitutions are allowed up to 48 hours before the program. No cancellations or refunds as attendees will have access to on-demand content.
Continuing Education
Four (4) continuing education contact hours have been approved for nursing home administrators and nurses attending the live training.
To be eligible for a continuing education certificate each person must be registered for the training, pay the registration fee, attend the virtual workshops and complete the corresponding HAH evaluations.
Valid for the live workshops only: The Health Care Association of Michigan is a Certified Sponsor of continuing education with the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB).This program has been approved for Continuing Education for 4 total participant hours by NAB/NCERS. Nursing Home Administrators must provide their NAB ID # when registering in order for CE credit to be automatically uploaded to their NAB Registry account. (Example of NAB ID #: R1234567). Healthcare Association of Michigan (HCAM) is managing all NAB credits.
This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by Oregon Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation for four (4) contact hours. Approval valid through 11/08/2025. OCEAN ID #2023-40. HAH is managing all ANCC credits.
State licensure boards have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses. Cathy Bergland and the planners of this educational activity have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.
Questions? Contact Lori Henning at lhenning@hah.org
Registration and Payment
Registration closed on November 1, 2024.