NAHC’s PDGM Education Video & Webinars


PDGM Roadmap to Success

The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) has officially launched their newest collection of Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) resources. We are pleased to announce that the Healthcare Association of Hawaii (HAH) has partnered with NAHC in promoting their newest collection. HAH members receive the NAHC Member discount pricing!


PDGM Video Presentation

PDGM: Strategies for Success in 2020 and Beyond

This 5 ½ hour course will provide you with an understanding of what PDGM will mean for your business. Leading industry experts will provide an overview along with covering the topics of clinical, financial, operations, business analytics, and technology. It’s like attending one of the recent PDGM National Summits from the comfort of your home or office.


PDGM Webinar Series

Click here for full descriptions

If you attended the PDGM National Summits or watched the video presentation, but want a deeper understanding, this seven-part series is for you. These one-hour long webinars will occur from May-August and can be watched in real time or at a later date depending on your schedule. They are more granular in nature and will focus on all parts of your agency, from operations to clinical management.

Visit for details and registration links and be sure to use the HAH state-specific promo codes below to receive the NAHC Member discount pricing.


HAH Member Promo Codes

  • Individual Webinar Code – PDGM-Ind-HI01

  • PDGM Webinar Series (all 7 webinars) Code – PDGM-HI01

  • PDGM Video Code – PDGM-HI01

  • Combo – PDGM Video and Webinar Series (all 7 webinars) Code – PDGM-Combo-HI01

NAHC’s PDGM education is easy to access and convenient. Access the video and webinars anytime, anywhere. Pay one price to educate your entire team and ensure your agency is ready for success in the PDGM era.

Have a specific question about the PDGM Video & Webinar Series? Visit the FAQ page for more information!

To learn more about NAHC’s PDGM Education, visit and get started on the road to success today!
